Introducing the "Grateful for a Unique 2020" Blog Series
As we enter the tail end of 2020, most everyone we know is ready to bid adieu to the year of the pandemic. In this most tumultuous of years, our lives and plans have been scrambled and canceled. School, work, childcare, and other responsibilities have all been summoned to live under one roof. We may be safer at home, but it sure is crowded here.
We are accustomed to thinking on worldly scales, occupied by passports, airplanes, and far-flung voyages. Although our daily routine doesn’t yield to the adventurous pursuits we enjoyed in the “before times,” we have deep gratitude for everything lockdown hasn’t taken away, however hard it’s tried…
As the fear of the unknown permeates throughout the fabric of our lives, we reflect on what’s true – family and friendship. Although we’re sheltering in place, connections to our network of female entrepreneurs and thinkers has only deepened. As we long for the days when we may see one another in person again, we’ve chosen to close out 2020 with a blog series exploring what our most prolific of friends are grateful for most. It’s the best way we know how to endure between now and the other side of these challenging times.
We’ll introduce each member of our cohort, one at a time, documenting their thoughts via a Q&A-styled blog. We’ll be asking our women leaders hard questions, such as what has been something they struggled with most, as well as challenges they faced when they first launched their business. You’ll find common themes that connect these women, always bound by a profound self-awareness of who they are as people and the adversity they had to overcome, both professionally and personally.
Each blog will showcase their various qualities, ranging from confidence, resolve, imagination, empathy, and perseverance. As you’ll soon see, our friends draw from a legacy of hope for managing in these stressful times, and we can’t wait to share their findings with you.
As we reflect on the one thing we’re most thankful for, our amazing and supportive network of female entrepreneurs, we ask the same of our cohort and invite you to do so as well. We wish to bring this inspiring network of women from a diverse range of industries to add inspiration to your pandemic routine. As this vibrant community has been our support group these last eight months, we hope they too will support you and your community as we find our way forward, safer at home, together.
Connie & Elizabeth